Solution: Use the recommended media, different of DVD discs and claim a working drive from your dealer if the drive is defect or faulty. This error is caused by either defective recorder, poor media or poor power.
Power calibration is usually under the control of the recorder. Simply use +RW or +R discs and ensure that your Nero and firmware are updated. This common problem occurs when you try to bookmark or bit set on a -RW/-R disc or when burner does not support the feature. You can later use other discs when you are okay with the burning process. If you are doing the burning for the first time, use +RW or a -RW disc because it is cheaper as compared to others. Solution: Ensure that all the settings are right and the media that you are using is supported by the software. It could be that DMA is not enabled, your burner does not work well with or support the media you are using, some settings are incorrect or maybe you used are wrong disc. The error is caused by a number of factors. It's advisable that you save because you will definitely need it. When this error occurs, Nero reports to you that the burning has failed and gives you the option to print or save.